Writing on a Svbtle

I already have a blog on Medium. Then why do I have to write more on Svbtle? Because Medium is like you have to write the whole story over there to make it looks cool. Different with Svbtle, on a Svbtle, you can write anything you want. Less or more words, serious or funny, with an image or not, and the other things that you want to put in there. That is my opinion, don’t take it personally. I need to write the disclaimer here because people nowadays are so sensitive, duh.

For me, Svbtle is more like your everyday diary book you bring everywhere with you. It’s like a bookmark of your thoughts. You can be cool everywhere. Because you always like that.

Use Svbtle, be cool.


Now read this

How to write Em-Dash in Windows without Numpad

Actually, I don’t know if this symbol (—) is called Em-Dash. I was Googling it with dumb keywords “How to write a long slash”, “How to write double-slash as one”, etc—and somehow I found it if that symbol is called an Em-Dash. So,... Continue →